Boat ride out to Great Keppel Island!
My dive buddy for the day!
The first time, we just went out on to the beach in the shallow water, and practiced skills, like clearing your mask under water, and how to take your regulator out under water, and put it back it. Stuff like that.
So after we did all those and got good at them, we went out on the reef. The first dive was about 7 meters deep. And for all you Americans, who havent had to learn the metric system, becuase when your in another country that is all they use, thats about 25 feet. There were so many different fish, and coral. It was very cool to see everything close up! I also saw a sting ray, and some sea slugs.
Just keep swimming, just keep swimming!!
After we got up, we saw a dolphin at the surface about 75 meters from us or so. We were really still in hopes that it would come closer, but it didnt :(. We headed back to shore to fill up our tanks, to go out again! This dive was around 12 meters or 40 feet. I had a little trouble equalizing my ears, but i got it! It is an entirely different world when you are 40 feet under the water! It is crazy!
lots and lots of fish!!
okay :)
Peek-a-boo :)
But quite an amazing experience!! I cant wait until I get to do 2 more dives next weekend! I will keep this updated! :)
photos by anders
Amazing stuff LouLou! So glad to hear all about it! Love you! Love, Kris and Jude (and Patrick too)